Off to the races!
Thanks to all of you who attended our party and who participated in our first run of the new activities that Terene and I invented.
Our goal was to offer all a good time with laughter and for everyone to meet new people.
Based on a lot of input that we got from those at the party, many felt as though these goals were accomplished, despite the last-minute scratching of horses and some technical issues.
For the party, we used over 1000 golf tees and M&Ms, 360 lock washers, 240 flat washers, 240 skewers, 20 racetracks, 15 black eyed susans, and 120 each of machine screws, ear plugs, straws, and Styrofoam blocks.
There were also some great outfits, and if we had a contest for this, I have to say that Sid would have won the prize.
Great job, as always, by DJ Johnny Devito.
Thanks also to our coaches (the Clarks, the Galligans, the Leeds, the Nicholsons, and the Pinos) who also did a great job.
Attached are some photos. I will send more through Google Drive for those of you who have access to this.
Keith & Terene