Miscellaneous Page
(Because Walter can’t figure out anywhere else to put this stuff)
(Because Walter can’t figure out anywhere else to put this stuff)
A great weeekend was had by all at Grand Dunes. With Cocktails and dinner at the docks Friday night and more cocktails and dinner out Saturday the cruise did not dissappoint. Hats off to the coordinator Kathy Johnson! See the recap below!
See the attached recap for the fun that was had by all!
See the attached recap from a great night of cards and making new friends. Fun was the real name of the game!
Check out the recap attached below.
There was singing (some great, some funny, but all good). Dancing (all good!). Partying (always good). So check out the rest of the story on our SSBC Facebook page. Also find attached the powerpoint presentation (in 3 parts due to the size of the file) of the state of the club that was given at…
Shoeeee got everyone’s feet moving! See the recap below.
Deb Thompson and her witchy crew put on a fun ladies only Bunco night at the community center. There were a bunch of great costumes and a fun time was had by all. Seriously check out the great photos below and on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/468015305087749
Joe and Alicia did a fantastic job with the help of their team to put on a great time with dancing music! Check out the great photos on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/468015305087749
See the fabulous write up by cruise organizer extraordinaire Nick Lawler. A great time was had in Wilmington after a several year drought in being able to go there. Pictures to follow. Exploring Wilmington SSBC Cruise: St James Marina to Wilmington NC October 6-8 The year was 1720, or thereabouts, when explorer Giovani da Verrazano…